Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Y 5:51 AM


okay, here's the thing.

as we all know, our exams 19th may, despite the ART and HMT students haha.
so on that day, don't worry ART students, you guys can join us after the paper! =D
HMT students, don't worry, DON'T NEED TO STUDY HMT LAH. HAHA. =D


time: 10am at bedok int. to about maybe night 8+, 9pm?
date: 19th MAY ( 'cause most of us have finished exams etc.)


10am - bedok inter.
11am - settled down for breakfast either at MACS or PICNIC
1pm - play games (e.g. cycling, SANDCASTLE!!! =D or whatever lah/ swimming also can)
4pm - bathe and stuff/ change
5pm - set up BBQ! yayyy! cook food everything. HAHA ( while the rest lay the mats and candles etc.)

6pm - dinner! get your food and stuff.
7pm - truth or dare ( anything also can lah. )
8.30pm - leave

okay, thats roughly about the plan it may vary on the day itself.
but yeah, majority wishes to go ECP so that its more convenient for the ART students! ;)

objective: to bond our class and destress. at the same time, motivate us to study harder for exams during this period of time! =D

equipment: candles, food, MONEY! $$$, floor mats and 3/8!

hopefully the whole 3/8 will be present.
more details will be posted (eg. amount to pay etc. )

yeps! HEEE hope you guys are looking forward to it! ;)
any more suggestions feel free to tell meeee. =D

signing out.